For any queries please contact our customer care @ +91 96200 09059,

Return Policy

Returning of defective / damaged item If you receive a damaged or a defective item, please return the same without any hesitation to us in a proper package. Kindly enclose a note stating the reason for the returns. Also state your order no & send it to us via a trusted courier or mail. As soon as we receive the defective item, we will send you a fresh replacement or refund the amount as per your choice. In your return note please advise us whether you would like a replacement or a refund. This facility is only for goods bought from us. Return of any defective / damage item should be done within 7 days from the date of the receipt of the shipment to our working office:

Operational Address

Dicedots Pvt. Ltd.

No 678, 14th Cross, 8th Main J.P Nagar,
2nd Phase Bangalore, Karnataka
India, 560078,