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International books

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  • More than 1 million students Learn IB
  • More than 4000 schools teach IB with an emphasis towards academic and personal development with 70,000 educators
  • Internationally recognised curriculum
  • Over 10,000 schools in more than 160 countries offer Cambridge programmes and qualification
  • Established for more than 20 years
  • Suitable for International learners from 8 to 19 years old. Designed to help learners progress to higher education or go directly into employment
International books
Branded School Shoes

Branded School Shoes

The right footwear is essential for preventing foot injuries and promoting pain-free, efficient movement when participating in a variety of daily activities. To find the most comfortable shoes one must do their research. The most comfortable shoes should keep one in a pain-free, state that can be referred to as being comfortable. Comfort is a more expansive term that also encompasses the presence of incredibly personal feelings and the absence of other unpleasant bodily sensations.


Alongside textbooks and uniforms, an essential component of every student’s arsenal is a well-equipped set of school stationery items. These seemingly small tools play a crucial role in supporting learning, organization, and creativity throughout the school year. From backpacks to pens and everything in between, we have curated a list of all must-have school stationery items that every student should consider adding to their supplies. Let’s explore the importance of each item and how they contribute to a successful and productive academic journey


Customized Notebooks

  • Make the newer version of your regular notebook.
  • Personalize your notebooks with Multicolour printing on the top cover page with a matte or glossy finish of your choice.
  • Customize your printing type by choosing Wire-O or Perfect or Staple or Hardcase Bind Comes in soft and hardcover pages.
  • Customize your pages to an ruled, unruled white sheet, anything of your choice.


Explore a wide range of school uniform styles. We specialize in custom formal shirts, shorts, skirts, suits, blazers and ties.
