For any queries please contact our customer care @ +91 96200 09059,

Terms of use does not sell products for purchase by children. All products concerned to children have to be purchased by adults. Involvement of parent or guardian becomes necessary if you are under eighteen. The movement you choose to visit, dispute if any, over the private policy is subject to this notice including limitations on damages & arbitration of disputes & application of law to Bangalore jurisdiction. As per the market requirements we have to bring changes in our business from time & again. This will lead to the change of notice too & the information we gather now might change as per the needs of our policy then. We request to check our website frequently to see the effective changes from time to time. All contents on our site such as logos, icons, images, compilation of data's, & software are the property of

Site Approach

The access to our site is limited & for personal uses only. No part of the site can be modified without our written prior consent. This site or any part of it may not be reproduced, duplicated or exploited for any purpose without taking written consent from Dicedots Private Limited.

Account Info

All terms & conditions are automatically applied when you use Please ensure to keep the account information & password safe & confidential.

Communications & Other Factors

Visitors are welcome to send suggestions, questions, ideas, comments or any other information provided it does not contain obscene, illegal, threatening, defamatory rights or in other way objectionable to us or third parties. Also the communication should be virus free. We also prohibit chain letters . Visitors are requested not to use incorrect e-mail id, mimic any person or misguide the origin of any information.